Spravato as another option for Treating Depression: How Esketamine is Changing the Game

Spravato as  another option for  Treating Depression:   How Esketamine is Changing the Game

Depression affects millions, and while common antidepressants like SSRIs help many, 10-30% find them ineffective. Forward Counseling introduces Spravato (Esketamine), a game-changer in depression treatment.

Why Spravato stands out:

  • Rapid Relief: Unlike weeks-long waits with traditional antidepressants, Spravato offers relief within hours or days, crucial for severe cases or suicide risk.

  • Treatment-Resistant Depression: Spravato targets a different neurotransmitter than traditional options, making it effective where others fail.

  • Safe and Well-Tolerated: Studies show Spravato's short-term safety and effectiveness, with long-term studies ongoing.

  • New Approach: Spravato works by modulating glutamate, a key brain chemical distinct from traditional serotonin-boosting medications.

Tennessee's rising suicide rates, particularly among young adults, men, rural residents, and veterans, highlight the urgent need for diverse treatment options. Spravato offers a ray of hope for those struggling with traditional antidepressants.

We understand depression's complexities and are here to help. Explore Spravato with your healthcare provider, and let Forward Counseling be your partner on the path to recovery.

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Hope for the Hopeless: The Revolution for Treatment-resistant Depression (TRD)

Hope for the Hopeless: The Revolution for Treatment-resistant Depression (TRD)

Forward Counseling knows there are better days ahead because we have hope. Even after a season of debilitating depression, we can find relief. As a mental health provider with a holistic approach, we want you to know that there are available treatments to help you find relief.

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